Tony Bingham's Column in "Building"

"Building" Magazine is the leading construction industry weekly publication in the UK. It has an extraordinary history. It is over 150 years old and is now published weekly world-wide.

The magazine is highly professional, and enjoyed by developers, architects, engineers, surveyors and all the constructors together with suppliers and manufacturers.

The Legal pages are very well established and popular. Leading lawyers commentate not only on recent cases but also on important building contract problems and principles.

Tony Bingham's page began nineteen years ago. First he wrote monthly, then every other week. Twelve years ago his page became a weekly feature. Tony Bingham and the Editor invite you to comment on the views expressed in the pages, which are reproduced here.

Over the coming months this section will not only feature the current page but hopefully archive as many past pages as possible.

The boxes below give a brief outline of recent and past pages.

Index of Articles Available

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